Last Updated on September 13, 2022 by Tom Kane
A funny thing happened to me on the way to making coffee in the kitchen a few weeks back. Suddenly I couldn’t taste the coffee. I like dark roast Columbian Arabica, using a cafetiere. But on this day not only could I not taste it, but the experience also left an odd taste in my mouth. So much so I stopped drinking coffee. So, I tried tea which I have never liked. I still don’t like it!
Hot chocolate was great tasting, but too much sugar for a diabetic like me. Then I tried caramel tea, but still too much sugar. Next up? Fruit Tea. Pomegranate Tea to be precise. That was good, but again I could only taste it with sugar in it. But I tried to like it, until I realised, I really didn’t like it.
So, it was back to coffee with a one teaspoon of sugar. That worked for a week. Then, I forced myself to take coffee the way I used to. As I said, Columbian Arabica dark roast, using a cafetiere, no sugar and a drop of cream. So far so good but I can only have one a day due to my heart arrythmia.
What is it about health these days? It seems life, health and the universe are all having an off day as far as I’m concerned.
I should stick to water.
Copyright © Tom Kane July 2022
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