Fast and Furious. Gone in 60 Seconds. These are titles from movies that evoke a feeling of pure speed, movement, a desire to have at it and get it (whatever
Author: Tom Kane

Falling DownFalling Down
Falling down. It’s something we humans do every now and then. Sometimes we get up, dust ourselves off, and move on with our lives. Sometimes, it’s painful, sometimes not. It’s

Free Historical Fiction eBookFree Historical Fiction eBook
Free Historical Fiction eBook The Brittle Sea is an award winning historical fiction thriller and it’s FREE. PROMOTIONAL VIDEO Available on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Apple, Smashwords and all good digital

AI: Innovation or Devil in DisguiseAI: Innovation or Devil in Disguise
Once upon a time, there was a writer in the early 20th century, who wanted to write a novel. He had paper and he had a pencil. It was all

That Reminds Me!That Reminds Me!
Distraction. It’s a word used a lot in recent years. It has been used extensively in political circles where a party, a leader, a tyrant distracts their voters from something

Life, But Not As We Know It.Life, But Not As We Know It.
Writing fiction is, without a doubt, a process that is full of love, worry, fear and surprise. Almost like raising a child. With the writing process, the creation of plot,

Write About What You KnowWrite About What You Know
Ever since I picked up a pencil and wrote my first short story, Planet A for Acid, I’ve been told I should write about what I know. Back then it

Survival of the LuckiestSurvival of the Luckiest
Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma I went for a walk today. Not something any of us usually shout about. But to me it was something of a triumph. I managed a five mile

Have Typewriter, Will TravelHave Typewriter, Will Travel
To me, writing is a passion. It’s also hard work. It’s especially hard work when it’s nice and sunny and all you want to do is go to the beach

Writing: Outlining in the Twilight ZoneWriting: Outlining in the Twilight Zone
There’s a lot of hoo-hah going on in the writing community at the moment concerning outlining in writing. Let me be straight about this piece. I’m not advocating this is