Book cover for Tom Kane's The Brittle Sea The Brittle Sea

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In the chilling cold and darkness of the North Atlantic, on the 15th April 1912,...

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Book cover for Tom Kane's Brittle Land The Brittle Land

In the wake of the Titanic's tragic sinking, two families are thrust into a tumultuous feud that will forever alter...

eBook Tom Kane
Book cover for Tom Kane's The Brittle Sky The Brittle Sky

The war to end all wars is over, with millions of dead. Now there is a chance for peace.

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Book cover for Tom Kane's thriller Walking Away from Midnight. Walking Away from Midnight

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In the summer of 1939, Jessie Fordham graduates from Cambridge University with her mind...

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Book cover for Tom Kane's WW2 thriller Operation Werwolf Operation Werwolf

In the final months of 1945, Nazi Germany is on the brink of collapse. With Allied forces closing in on...

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