shows a man's hand with cannula for a drip

Cancer Countdown

Today is the 18th of May 2023. In a few short days (days that will not be short, but terribly long) I will learn if I have defeated cancer and be cancer free. On 23rd May at 11am I have an appointment with my Oncologist who will reveal the truth. I know, I’m making it…

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old man holds an old watch

Aged Concern

Apart from being one who has never worried too much about everyday life, I’ve certainly never been one to worry about my looks. When you start to lose your hair at eighteen, I went for a live with it attitude to life. If you don’t, you will end up worrying about all the minutiae of…

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a lab sorting samples of blood

It’s Only a Bloody Appointment

My cancer, Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma, is a slow to develop and exceedingly rare form of Lymphoma. It’s not, thank goodness, one of those cancers that devastates the body and leaves the poor host to quickly die. When someone famous dies, you may have heard newsreaders say that he/she passed away after a short illness. Your guess…

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