Spots Before My Eyes

A man with spots before his eyes

Last Updated on February 1, 2025 by Tom Kane

In February 2021 and then again in April 2021 I had the cataracts in my eyes removed and new lenses put in. Not just any old lens, these were super-duper French lenses. I was bandaged for a day, and then had to wear snazzy sunglasses for a couple of weeks. After that, my vision was fabulous and the vivid colours around me were an eye opener! Sorry, couldn’t resist the pun.

Joking apart, I was so pleased, I even put up with the little black floaters that appeared in my eyes a few months later. That is, until the floaters became worse and worse, until my vision was full of large and small black spots, and sometimes big smears of blackness, some of them suspiciously onion shaped. Was this a plot by the French lens manufacturer? Nope, it was just me being overly suspicious. The problem did clear a little, but never seemed to go away. My eye doctor told me the spots would clear soon and to come back in six months. Six months!

So, back I went and the problem of the spots had not cleared up. The eye doc then said… yes, you’ve guessed it, come back in six months. There was never an explanation as to why I was having these problems. But soon my cancer diagnosis took over my life and my eyes took a back seat… spots and all.

Finally, I have managed to get back to an eye specialist, but a different one, a specialist with more hi-tech gadgetry in his surgery than my last eye specialist. And he explained the problem of the spots. It’s a natural occurrence after cataract surgery. It’s not everyone who gets the problem, I was just unlucky. And, it can take up to three years to clear up.

Well, my spots are still with me, but are getting less and less. It just takes time to clear up and there is nothing that an eye surgeon can do about it. But it does make for amusing things to do when I go for my cancer infusions. Spot the spot being a favourite pastime after three hours lying in a bed watching chemical drip, drip, drip into my arm.

I know how to live life to the full.

Copyright © Tom Kane 2024

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