The Ragged Edge of Time: Science Fiction Novel Extract #2

The Ragged Edge of Time Book Cover

Last Updated on June 2, 2024 by Tom Kane

The Ragged Edge of Time

Chapter Two: Attack

The 23rd Century, Earth Standard Time

The sky above the planet was ablaze with the fiery trails of countless extraterrestrial spaceships entering the atmosphere, raining down destruction upon the unsuspecting planet. It was a scene of chaos and destruction, as the towns were reduced to rubble and the air was thick with smoke and debris.

The population were caught off guard by this sudden and brutal attack. Despite being Homo Superior, they were left scrambling for survival. The government collapsed and the defence force were overwhelmed. The citizens were left to fend for themselves against the onslaught of superior alien weaponry.

The invaders showed no mercy as they systematically bombarded the planet’s key infrastructures. The power grid and communication network were the first to be hit. Then the transportation hub. With each passing hour, the population’s ability to resist the invasion grew weaker.

After the initial attack, months passed and the population had sought shelter in caves and ruins. But it was all to no avail, they were hunted down and systematically slaughtered. A few, very few, of the planet’s population were taken by the alien attackers. Some were kept as slaves; children were kept as pets and women were added to the warlike warriors harems.

Those who had survived wished they had been caught and killed.

The Vegans left the devastated planet in triumph. One more planet added to their ever-expanding Pleiades Empire.

Copyright © Tom Kane 2022-2024

Click here to read chapter three.


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