Last Updated on September 5, 2022 by Tom Kane
Who doesn’t like a good wedding? Personally, I’m okay with a wedding if it’s held at a reasonable time and doesn’t go on too long. A wedding in the UK is usually exactly that sort of affair. But on days like today, when it’s abundantly clear that here in Cyprus, the wedding at the church next door to me is going to go on, and on, and on and on, then I do draw a line and wish I lived in Transylvania or somewhere else… anywhere else.
Today was the first time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic that there is a wedding being held in the church next door to where I live in Paphos, Cyprus.
It became apparent about mid-week there was going to be a wedding when a host of white plastic chairs arrived, all neatly stacked ready to put out. By Friday, the chairs, and tables were out, and lighting was being put up along with a stage. By Saturday lunchtime the area next to the church and behind my house, had been turned into a scene from the film My Big Fat Greek Wedding. By 4pm guests were arriving and then all hell broke loose. A half-dozen motorbikes descended on the car park out front of the church and revved their engines so long and so loud, I was sure a gang of Hell’s Angels had arrived. It turns out the groom is a biker, and this was his way to make his entrance.
The wedding proceeded, the noise grew louder, many, many guests turned up and by 10pm it was time for bed! It still is time for bed, but it’s now 01:15 in the morning and very muggy and hot…Â and still the Big Fat Greek Wedding is ongoing. All those who are left at the wedding, are having a go at singing Greeks songs while they attempt a few stumbling and drunken Greek dance moves. It does not look like it is ending any time soon.
Who doesn’t like a good wedding?
I don’t mind a good wedding, so long as they hold it somewhere else next time. Oh, and whoever has been singing for the last thirty minutes, try singing the words and not yelling. It would sound so much nicer.
Copyright © Tom Kane July 2022
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