Last Updated on September 18, 2022 by Tom Kane
I like to write, as some of you may have noticed. But I did something last year, a little experiment, and wrote an eBook about what I do for a living. The book is about how we started our personalised embroidery and printing business in the UK and then moved it to Cyprus. It was an attempt at a self-help book, and I never really expected to sell any at all, even at $2.99. But low and behold, I’m selling a steady stream of a half dozen a month on average.
There seem to be a lot of people around the world trying to earn extra cash, which could account for sales of my book Working from Home: Brother Embroidery going from strength to strength. Three this week alone. I’ve even sold a copy in India, now that’s a first for me.
Although I’m not making a fortune, it is quite gratifying to realise that I have achieved two things. Helped others to maybe start their own business and made a little bit of money writing about what I used to do for a living before I retired. It’s a wonderful feeling of actually having people read my books and knowing it helps them in some way.
Now that’s what I call a win-win situation.
Copyright © Tom Kane 2022
“Enjoyable little book with some really helpful hints. Definitely helpful for aspiring embroidery entrepreneurs. Some ideas were completely new to me.”
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