Last Updated on August 18, 2023 by Tom Kane
The image you can see at the top of the page is that of a tonne bag of white gravel. That’s 1,000 kg of gravel. Not your Imperial ton, which is 1,016.047 kg or 2,240 lbs. There’s not a lot of difference between a tonne and a ton if it were to be dropped on your foot. As bags go, either of them would crush you whole rather than just your foot.
So, why have I bought such a big bag of gravel and where does the travel come into this story?
The bag arrived on Thursday. And this story has two other objects involved, which you can see below.
These are a dog’s metal water bowl and a hand trowel.
Still confused, dear reader?
Well, it’s more of a test than a story. A test of endurance as it happens, with a result that not only surprised me, but delighted me as well.
Bear in mind I’m recovering from cancer. I’m not the strongest person I was prior to my diagnosis and chemotherapy has taken a lot out of me. But what I am doing to build myself up is as much gardening as I can manage. The last time I mentioned my garden was in the piece you can read here. I showed a picture of what it looked likewhen we arrived here and what I had achived in a few months.
Well, I’m proud to say that not only do I now know how to build dry stone walls (sort of) I can also build a gravel path. Voila!
Now you can see what I’ve done with a tonne of white gravel. In two days I’ve moved (this is the travel bit) a tonne of gravel eighteen feet (5.5 metres) and that is a stunning achievement for me. Two weeks ago I wouldn’t have attempted it.
So what about the trowel and dog bowl? I used them to scoop the gravel out and into a large planter on wheels and the pushed the planter to the area to fill and hey presto! We have a gravel path.
Next challenge?
The other half of the garden. It’s going to take two tonnes of gravel!
Max is already on guard and I think I can manage two tonnes, in a month or so… I need a rest first and to admire my handiwork.
Copyright © Tom Kane 2023
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The fateful journey of the Titanic sets off a chain of events that will leave a legacy of treachery, deceit and heartbreak.
Magda Asparov travels from Ukraine, oblivious to the danger she is sailing into when she boards the Titanic to sail to a new and rich life. With an arranged marriage to Matthew Turner, a corrupt wealthy American businessman, waiting for her in America, and a manipulative independent spirit, Magda knew what her destiny would be.
But when the Titanic goes down, Magda survives and awakens with no memory of who she is, where she’s from, or where she was going.
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With suspense and psychological thrills, The Brittle Sea by Tom Kane is book one in an exciting historical drama trilogy.
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